>> it's unbelievable if you looked at it on a map. >> this cnn i-report sent to us from steven gibson in memphis, parts of the city as we've been showing you are under water. about 300 people are in shelters this morning and the flooding, this is clear. we've been hearing this from everybody. it is expected to get worse before it gets better. one big area of concern in tennessee is mud island. the mississippi is so swollen it's causing the wolf river to flow backward and spill over it banks. >> joining us live from memphis, radio talk show host ben ferguson, a mud island resident, who has been warning people of memphis about the rising waters. ben, welcome to the program. i mean give us a sense of what it's like to be there in the middle of this disaster? >> yeah. well it's eerie. you know it's eerie when you go on the radio when osama bin laden has been killed, we'll get to that in a minute but let's get to the flooding. something i never thought i would say. for people here it's probably

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