i absolutely agree with you. and last night when i heard the news, i landed from london, been at the royal wedding. got to new york and heard this incredible news. like everyone, i was exhilarated. and then reality sets in because i heard some commentators say this is the end of the war on terror, it clearly isn't, is it? >> no. as i said, i believe it's a saratoga or a gettysburg. a turning point, but not the end. a significant turning point. while bin laden was a symbol, it was a symbol with reality. thousands of young men and young women were recruited by him saying a few more terrorist incidents against the west and the whole society will collapse. well, obviously he's dead and we're here. i think it's a real body blow, particularly not just to al qaeda but other terrorist groups. i think there's going to be a turn on the war on terror. we're going to have to be far more mindful of the lone wolves, the individuals like the times