but you never know. it is really taken the nation by storm. everybody does want to get involved in the royal wedding. one of the ways people are doing that is by having a small bet. 5 pounds or 10 pounds. individual bits are quite small. when they all add up, it becomes the biggest nonsporting betting event we've had for years. >> prince phillip may well nod off at some point during the ceremony. let's talk about whether it will rain on the day. i suppose that's one of your most popular bets. what odds are you offering on that. >> it's changed a lot in the last couple of days because the weather forecast has changed. it was very unlikely to rain but now it's the other way, now it's 3-10. it's about 80% likely to rain on the day, according to our weather experts. that's kind of bad news. if it's going to rain on the day, we're not sure it's going to rain at 11:00 or whatever