william do have a wide range of musical tastes. >> i also have an all-embarrassing taste of music. i don't drive home after conducting a symphony and listen to symphony. i usually listen to jazz. or beatles. actually, i like heavy metal. >> of course, richard will be covering the royal wedding live this friday. cnn's coverage begins at 4:00 a.m. eastern. anderson cooper, piers morgan and cat deeley will be joining him. tell us which story you'd like to see. text "1" for a look at the word game some potential presidential candidates are playing before announcing for an official run for the white house. text "2" for the maryland man who's using his computer to beat speeding tickets. and text "3" for technology that is transforming leftover food from grocery stores into electricity. the winning story will air later

Related Keywords

Home ,Music ,Orange ,Taste ,Symphony ,Tastes ,Prince William ,Jazz ,Our Cnn ,Wedding ,Course ,Piers Morgan ,Coverage ,Eastern ,Anderson Cooper ,Richard ,Beatles ,Heavy Metal ,00 ,4 ,Look ,Text ,Candidates ,Story ,White House ,Run ,Tell Us ,Cat Deeley ,1 ,Oman ,Technology ,Maryland ,Computer ,Electricity ,Speeding Tickets ,Grocery Stores ,Leftover Food ,3 ,2 ,

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