assad personally, sanctions against his family, that kind of thing does make sense. and i think making sure that we're very clear that we want these demonstrators to succeed. we want to see reform in syria. that will weaken iran. candy, the big game sheer iran because we need to block iranian influence and weaken that government. one way to do that is to weaken the syrian government. >> in iran, also, general, as senator lieberman pointed out, i mean syria, was a conduit for putting soldiers into iraq and killing american soldiers. so this is not a friend. >> no, it is not a friend. and it is -- we need to understand that -- we need a wider strategy by saying how are we going to address the middle east in total here. because i see that lacking. and i think iran will be part of that. syria would be part of that. yemen would be also part of that strategy. >> i want to get you both on yemen in less than a minute that i have. that is it now looks as though maybe president saleh will go