hands, specifically it focuses on the length of a man's ring finger as compared to his index finger. and the longer the ring finger, the more likely a guy is to attract lots and lots of ladies. >> from now on if you're out at the bar and you meet a guy and you think he's attractive, to make sure, you hold up his hand. you don't look for a ring, you just look at the ring finger. >> exactly. so size does matter, but only as it applies to your -- >> size does matter with your digits. >> with your digits. i could go on with this story and tell you about previous research and what it found. it found that longer ring fingers mean more exposure to testosterone in the womb. >> ah. wait. so if a woman has that same thing, that would be interesting. >> that would be interesting. i'm just thinking how long my husband's ring finger is. >> i have no idea. i'll have to go and examine it later. >> let's do that. i'll call you then. >> get the measuring stick. we'll e-mail. >> okay, cool.