that's where i would put it. jobs over deficit. >> john? >> deficits are related to job growth. it's a question on whether you believe government created jobs or the private sector. lower the deficit, create a better long-term future for america. pete? >> well i mean listen the same people who think deficits are the biggest problem i would like to cross-reference whether they think climate change is also really important of an issue. the answer to the question is, if you don't have a job, jobs are the most important issue. not deficits we really need to deal with but aren't that big of a concern today. >> second question. is president obama as congressman paul ryan suggests in the partisan mosh pit? john? >> you know, that speech was a political speech as much as it was policy speech. i don't think you need to create a moral equivalence here. he took hard shots at ryan's plan. that's politics. starting a president's campaign season. i don't think it's quite what