financial companies or their executives have been charged with any crime. by the way, goldman sachs shares, they are take ac hit though, down about 2%. that and we also got a weak labor report. that is pressuring stocks overall. the dow down 60 points. carl, back to you. >> alison kosik, thank you. turning now to libya, u.s. war planes continued to bomb targets even after control of the operation was handed over to nato. the pentagon has disclosed since the hand jove earth u.s. has flown 97 sorties with u.s. jets firing on libyan targets on three occasions. a u.s. military official insists those strikes were defensive and part of the military's support role. a new poll shows most americans favor u.s. involvement in libya. the cnn opinion research poll found 52% support u.s. involvement in libya. 47% oppose it. the poll also found if u.s. and