recuse yourself then. >> a vote winner. >> i don't know. there's going to be serious questions raised about his judgment. >> absolutely. >> anything is possible, as we've seen in the world of politics. piers morgan, appreciate it. gloria borger, thanks. former minnesota governor tim pawlenty was asked would he consider being donald trump's running mate on a hypothetical ticket. >> if someone like donald trump was to emerge as the republican nominee and asked you to be vice president, would you accept that honor? >> i'm running for president. i'm not putting my hat in the ring ultimately or rhetorically for vice president. >> a spokesman for pawlenty later told cnn what you just heard was not a formal announcement for president, even though it sounds a lot like one to us. pawlenty told piers he'd make a formal announcement in the coming weeks. he announced he was forming a presidential exploratory committee last month.