wedding? now he's not going to be able to get back? >> he's only going to be delayed by 48 hours, we think. anyway, he's saying it's good he's out there. he doesn't have to worry about dealing with the wedding prep and stuff like that. what's happened is he's in the arctic and he's stuck on an ice cap. the plane was supposed to get there, it couldn't land, they're going to wait a little bit longer. howfully he'll be here. it's still three weeks out. he'll probably be here on time. he's doing this charity work for wounded sold yersz. he's doing good stuff out there. hope he makes it back. >> did he have a backup, does he have a backup best man? >> no backup. he's it. >> all right. will and kate, once they're husband and wife, what's the living arrangement? something unusual about this too? >> yeah. three's company basically. harry lives at this place called clarence house. the idea is will and kate will crash with him and spend, you know, a little bit of time there before they figure out where