your hair color is, your eye color, your eye shape, your skin tone, your height, your body shape, and we will customize material based on you. so you come back, we've got your gorgeous -- what is it, blue-gray eyes, this beautiful -- >> gorgeous -- >> -- brownish hair, beautiful natural twinkling eyes. you will find stuff for you. nobody does that. we're doing that. >> very personalized. >> i feel they deserve to be in this beauty tribe, you know, it's a small tribe. women deserve to be in that. when a woman opens a fashion magazine, it's not like, whoa, that's really pretty, whoa, yeah, i want those pants. let me close it. it's, i'm not good enough. they're tell meg i'm not good enough because i don't look like that. >> let's take a quick break. you've hit the point i want to get to after the break which is a moment you had that was a real low moment with a picture in a magazine. >> with a big fat ass. >> that's the one. >> okay.