considering. >> sounds very difficult. the flight recorders, the black boxes, have been under water since june of 2009. will they even work anymore? >> well, they are not working, no, because a black box has a battery life of 21 days. so you have that amount of time to find a signal to locate the box. so they are kind of in a situation where they are searching for a needle in a hey stack. they have to physically look for it. it could be damaged, embedded in the sand. it is like 12,800 feet under water. it is going to be tough. >> zain verjee, live in london, many thanks. there may be a power shift in libya. moammar gadhafi's son is said to replace his father. it would put him in charge of helping the government transition to quit reform. rebel leaders, however, are blowing off this idea. in just under an hour, president obama will sit down with republicans and democrats