>> 111 measured, you know that if you know the road down from new orleans down to venice. and there was significant damage along that stretch of roadway. and there was one report of tornado. we have tornado watch out right now for parts of the florida panhandle. it's still raining across southern louisiana. they've still got flooding issues, but most of the wind energy moved off to the east. lake charles in this last hour and a half has reported a severe thunderstorm rolling through southwest louisiana. there's your tornado watch, including pensacola, panama city, that area. and boy did it rain to beat the band last night and early this morning across atlanta. here's some lightning shots of what it looked like from our tower camera here. a lot of rain and frequent lightning. this isn't sped up. this is lightning every four to five seconds and rainfall rates at 1 to 2 inches per hour and starting to wind down.