and do you know who the president is? here's a hint. it's that guy. if you already -- >> the vice president. oh, poor ali. >> that guy wanted to be president a couple of times. joe biden. i wasn't looking at the screen, i was looking at the script. if you know that is the vice president of the united states, then you are doing better than 29% of u.s. citizens who took the citizenship test. it is 12 minutes after the hour. . if anything, i thought i'd get hit by a bus, but not a heart. all of a sudden, it's like an earthquake going off in your body. my doctor put me on an aspirin regimen to help protect my life. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone. so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. to my friends, i say, you know, check with your doctor, 'cause it can happen to anybody. [ male announcer ] be ready if a heart attack strikes. donate $5 to womenheart at, and we'll send you this bayer aspirin pill tote.