hour. there's also, they reported, drop in pressure in rector number three. that -- in reactor number three. that could indicate a rupture. and there's a controversial between what the u.s. says is going on and what the japanese say is going on. the u.s. said yesterday there's little to no water in the spent fuel rod pool for reactor number four. japanese officials say, well, they don't actually know if there is or isn't water. they don't know how much water there might be, if there is any water at all. some contradiction there, but again, the focus right now seems to be restoring power which would be a major step, and fighting -- getting some water on to those spent fuel rods in reactor number three. >> there's so much going on, it almost makes your head spin. one of the background issues, of course, is that there were only at one point about 50 people going in to try to handle all this. any sense of what the size is of the force that is actually able to go into the reactor spaces to try to deal with getting watered in or even fly over, as you