translator: the volume of water was so high, the car wouldn't move. my daughter and i tried our hardest to push her up to this hill. she was so heavy, i let go of her hand. i think this is the area where it happened. i am thinking that i might have closure if i keep sitting here. >> the human stories coming out of japan are simply heartbreaking. for most of us, surviving a tsunami is unimaginable, my next guest, though, has done exactly that. petra nemcova went through the 2004 tsunami in timberland and lived. out of that -- in thailand and lived. out of that she founded the happy heart foundation for children in disaster zones. petra, thank you very much for coming in. i can only imagine the kind of emotions you've been through in the last few days, reliving the horror of what you went through. for people like most of white house have never been through a tsunami, what is the experience like when it happens?

Related Keywords

Water ,Hand ,Area ,Translator ,Wouldnt Move ,Daughter ,Volume ,Hill ,Tsunami ,Fresh Quakes Rock Japan ,Us ,Most ,Human Stories ,Closure ,Guest ,Kind ,Petra Nemcova ,Heart Foundation For Children In Disaster Zones ,Timberland ,Thailand ,2004 ,People ,Experience ,Horror ,Emotions ,Reliving ,White House ,

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