is this from the sea? i'm curious how far these waters traveled in to do this type of damage to one town? >> reporter: the damage is three miles away from the pacific ocean. but when you go four miles away from the pacific ocean, no damage whatsoever. >> amazing. gary tuchman there, watching the destruction in this one town that seems to have lost possibly more than half its population. thank you, gary. andrew, to you in hong kong. >> back to a story that could be developing into another major crisis in japan. certainly a big worry for the japanese right now. two nuclear plants are in trouble and whether or not the country could be on verge of a disaster there. i spoke with a nuclear energy expert earlier this morning out of london. >> it's wort stressing that the explosion we saw yesterday, this will seem a very strange thing to say, but it's my belief. the explosion we saw yesterday in number one plant wasn't an