that can often pay off. >> drive smarter. don't we all -- i mean how can you actually drive smarter? what do you have to do differently? >> well, you know a lot of folks throughout, myself, sometimes we're in a hurry. we're americans. we have a lot -- busy schedules. slowing down, driving more defensively instead of offensively, not racing to the red light, going a little slower on the highway, say not five over, maybe five under the speed limit, really can go a long way to resulting in more fuel efficiency for your vehicle and will end up putting money in your pocket. >> really quickly you talk about shopping around, shop smarter. when you talk about shopping around, how much can gas prices vary in one neighborhood. can they vary drastically? >> very much so, especially in times of rising prices. you know, an example comes to mind, franklin, indiana, in the last two weeks, just in a matter of hours one station that we were monitoring went from $2.84, up to $3.36. 52 cents just down the block.