this week, a lit bit like what you were saying about the drugs, he said there was no army in libya and no protesters. we know there are both. people are much more frightened this time, because gadhafi's army or security forces, they are opening fire on protesters. the protesters from last week who i spoke to are scared. they are going to gather in the mosques. they are probably going to try to march on green square, but there could be an overwhelming show of force, because gadhafi knows they're going to try to do this, as well. >> marie, i was talking to fouad ajami before i went on air. he said he felt that in listening to gadhafi's speech yesterday, that gadhafi seemed different in a way. i've heard you say he seemed more focused to you yesterday. you've talked to him a lot over the years. >> reporter: well, it's hard to -- when you listen to gadhafi, it's hard to say he's focused at all. but he has his own coherency within his own mental universe. he spoke to the points he would