dad ripping up another rejection letter from a potential employer. he remembers when he made the video. >> around the 22-second mark, he does an extremely hearty laugh where you almost wonder if he's stopped breathing. until he starts laughing again, thinking, he's okay. >> dad said he started ripping up credit card statements and other mailings to keep this thing going. this youtube video has more than 240,000 hits. >> nothing is cuter than a baby cracking up. >> i wonder if this could be like the next e-trade baby. >> i love it. he's is so adorable. he could be. >> i put a sticker on my nose and pretend to sneeze and my son does that too. when you find the one thing that tickles their funny bone, it's cute. we've got top stories coming your way after the break. [ male announcer ] sometimes after surgery straining should be avoided.