allowing for the outsourcing of jobs. there is also higher productivity that goes with technology. there's higher budget costs. there's a lot of different things happening. when you compare union workers to nonunion workers, it's not a straight comparison. this week a lot of teachers told me they felt like they were being personally attacked. they didn't like to be portrayed as someone who was sucking off the public dime. some teachers were saying i put in all of these hours, i don't just work nine months a year, i work 38 to 40 thousand a year, when you say you want to take away some of my pension or benefits, they don't like to hear that. they say you can't take a teacher and swap it out for an accountant or journalist. that their job is very different. >> randy, let's talk about the tenure issue, which does seem to be the sore point for a lot of issues when we're talking about teachers' unions. the rest of us operate a meritocracy, where we're hired