as i assume the wisconsin legislators. >> it happened before and it's happening again in wisconsin. great to have you on, wayne. now this. the blood continues tole spill in the middle east. police in bahrain spraying bullets into the crowd. now even more people are dead. when does this violence end and wait until you hear who was telling everyone to calm down. n. thank you very much. you're on e-trade. huntin' down stocks, bonds, etfs. oh i love etfs. look at you. why don't you show me your portfolio? i'd love to... i already logged out. oh no, it's easy, actually, to get back... see where it says history? there's a history? yeah, it'll take you right back to the site you were just on. well the last site... [ british vo ] and now, cycle complete. the male wildebeest returns to propagate the herd. [ animal grunts ] can you forward me this link? [ male announcer ] e-trade. investing unleashed.