>> definitely this is the internet revolution. i'll call it revolution 2.0. >> reporter: but after the third day of protests, secret police snatched ghonim off the streets. >> no. i was targeted of course. they wanted me. >> reporter: what was going through your mind at that moment? >> i was super scared. >> reporter: during the week and a half ghonim spent blind folded in solitary confinement, the egyptian uprising just kept growing. when he was finally released on monday, ghonim emerged to discover a city transformed. >> when i went out to the street, i can't -- i can't tell you my feeling. i can't tell you my feeling. i was so proud of the people. >> reporter: but he also learned many of his fellow street protesters had been killed in days of bloody clashes with egyptian security forces and gangs of government supporters. more than 300 dead according to human rights watch.