the egyptian leader. we will have live coverage here on cnn and cc international. we just got a tweet by the way, halah, you'll be interested that we'll gee people in, the google executive arrested in cairo spent about ten days in a prison, but then spoke so passionately and dramatically about what's going on, he has now just tweeted he's heading towards tahrir square right now. he's a familiar face to the people who have gathered there. i'm sure they will be inspired once he gets there. anderson cooper is joining us right now. anderson, only a few days ago, you were down in tahrir square. you remember vividly what was going on. and i suspect, maybe i'm wrong, did you anticipate, anderson, that the situation cogs dramatically unfold as quickly as it is right now? >> reporter: well, you know, i remember talking to ben wedeman last week and him saying, look, this cannot go on much longer. back then, he was predicting two weeks.

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