just before that meeting the house republicans put out this proposal for deep budget cuts. they've been asked to name which popular government programs they'd take a knife to. we're getting the answer. today they've issued this list. i have part of the list here. they're targeting 70 government programs. i'll give you ten, job training, big priority, $2 billion, women and infant children, cut $758 million, high speed rail, 1 billion, amtrak, 224 million, nuclear energy, cut $169 million, and even more, the list continues, flood control and coastal disaster relief. they want to cut 30 million bucks, state and local law enforcement, $256 million, environmental protection agency, $1.6 billion, i'm almost done, fbi $74 million, nasa $379 million there. so, jessica, i mean, ten programs right there alone, that's really just the tip of the iceberg.