prepared for and we are prepared for. >> chad myers, i know you've been watching all this going on in texas. let me pass this along to you from the vice president of corporate communications for the nfl, the cowboys stadium, the roof, snow falling off it. people are slipping and sliding and getting hit so they are having to close a lot of entrances to the stadium. >> they are only use the tunnel which starts way back for the trucks basically. people are having to walk in and out of the tunnel. >> that's the only way to go in and or out. >> because all the other areas are gone here. this is the video. i've got the sri. we have video in both places. this is the top of the field. it is sliding off the roof. this is the ice that occurred and the snow that occurred overnight, sliding off the roof. you can see the big fissure sliding off, and it injured a few people on the ground down below, so all of these tents that were set up, all of these hospitality areas around the stadium itself will have to be moved away from the stadium as the ice and snow falls away. now, it is going to be 44 degrees during the day. it's only going to be 14 tonight.

Related Keywords

People ,Vice President ,Roof ,Cowboys Stadium ,Communications ,Texas ,Snow Falling ,Nfl ,Chad Myers ,Way ,Lot ,Stadium ,Tunnel ,Areas ,Hit ,Entrances ,Trucks ,Snow ,Video ,Ground ,Ice ,Big Fissure Sliding Off ,Places ,Top ,The Field ,Sri ,Wall ,Hospitality Areas ,Tents ,44 ,14 ,

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