financial expert here. you bridge a lot of these groups because you have to actually write about this for an awed yensz that reads black enterprise. and you constantly tackle issues while targeted at a black audience are relative to everybody. tell me how we solve this problem. you've heard it all. >> let me congratulate you for going to that esteemed university, of which i'm alum, get the smart person to talk about this subject. there are a few things we need to know. first of all -- >> alfred's skype got stuck. back to you for a second, ryan. your book which you've just written, you're not really talking about high-level concepts about creating hundreds of thousands of jobs. you're really -- you really feel that african-americans or anybody needs to take -- need to take the opportunities that they have, use locally provided resources such as retraining into relevant jobs and go do it. by the way, you're from detroit,