into the crowds, not only that, they had these fighting chariots where they started hitting people from these chariots. a lot of people were injured in that as well. for ambulances it was absolutely impossible to come through. i can tell you i've seen some pretty freaky scenes today. that horse and camel charge was really something i've never seen at any of the many protests i've ever bon to, ali. >> we're looking at it now. we in the niz business news business, we don't always stop to look at exactly what's happening. this one made everybody stop and look, these images of these men coming through on horses and camelback charging through the crowd, whipping at people. remarkable, remarkable scene. let's hope that this comes to an end fairly soon. fred, good to talk to you. fred in cairo right now. we are monitoring these situations, the violence and situation in tahrir square and what the world's response is including coming out of the white house. today online i asked the question, for what would you be