various touchpoints of the economy. most notably very hooked to the rural part of india which is where all the growth will take place so 65% of india's population still lives in rural areas. they're hungry for growth. want a better life and we are, frankly, surfing on the back of their consumption growth. >> pretty good ride. >> absolutely. >> nice to see you. >> anand mahindra had to fight the traffic to get here to the interview spot. i appreciate your participation. we'll take a short break. that does it for our coverage here at davos but we're going to follow the sessions throughout the day. nicolas sarkozy will take the podium in about 15 minutes from now. we'll see you in the afternoon on "world business today." we' will be right back. and lunh with a fruit, grain, and a yoplait light. go to to start your two week tune up. [ female announcer ] only rocĀ® retinol correxion