of their way to do this time, with a great degree of success, is to not make this just another laundry list of we're going to pass this or i'm going to do that or veto this, although he did say he would veto earmarks. they wanted to elevate it, and i think coming after tucson it's important, to more of a philosophical discussion about how we can't kick the can down the road anymore. how we have to think about america's future. i do agree with david, because i think it did fall short on the deficit question. but i also believe that they did succeed in showing president obama to be somebody who can be philosophical about where he wants to take this country over the next couple of years and what we have to do to get in gear on that. >> i think what's important here, we won't remember any of that, but what was important here is he sort of framed what he wants the story to be for the