shootings, and calls for everyone to tune down the harsh rhetoric. has it grown even worse? plus one of the biggest mafia busts ever. over 120 arrested, but it's been a long time since the godfather came out. do we now have an entirely different kind of mafia? and new questions about ronald reagan. did he have alzheimer's disease while he was in the white house? his son gives us the whole story. but first, our top story. for the past few weeks, ever since the awful shootings in tucson, this country's been looking inward, wondering if the tone of our political rhetoric might have triggered the violence. so tonight we want to take a closer look at it, zeroing in on a couple of examples of where it's gone wrong, really wrong. and i'm talking about incidents that occurred after we learned about what happened in tucson. >> a mere two hours after being sworn into office as governor, republican robert bentley gave a speech at the very church where martin luther king once preached. it was, incidentally, martin luther king day, and from the pulpit, the new alabama governor said -- and i quote -- anybody here today who has not accepted