60,000 people are without power. is this a blockbuster of a storm that has the snow blowing sideways in beantown. we expect the snow to come to an end, but not until later on tonight and before that is done, new england gets its second blizzard in three weeks, they'll see two feet plus in many of these areas. and from another city on the east coast crippled because of winter weather just in the last few days. and this cold air continues to pour into the deep south with freeze warnings out tonight. we don't expect any sort of significant thaw until this weekend. and even then, we'll be well below average. >> so awful. at least we're all sharing in the misery on this side of the country. thanks, we'll get back to you. the commander in chief becomes the comforter in chief. he h ed henry will have a live report next. and a quick look at the stocks. the dow is up 82 points. that's a good sign, too. much more news for you right after this. e to reinvent yourself... including your skin.

Related Keywords

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