that. you got to slash these bills. >> bottom line is if 2010 was the year waiting on your ship to come, 2011, is swimming out to your ship. create value, create opportunity. i have to talk about my own cousin in my own family. he didn't graduate college, barely graduated high school, but was able to create opportunity. he couldn't find a job for a long time by going from ohio -- a state and moved up to detroit. and he took a program and focus hope. because he found different training opportunity, found opportunity he learned how to create himself. probably going to be working in d.c. for the government. full-time federal benefits, everything. these are the type of things we have to start learning ourselves to do to create our own opportunity. >> what ryan said is really important. if you've been sitting in your hometown waiting for the next opportunity to open up, it may not be there. and it may require a drastic step like a move across the country or something else that actually puts you out there are where the jobs happen to be. we're talking about the last batch of real estate numbers that came out.