good doctors out there. but there's also a thought sometimes the doctors will take that easy out and there's so much as far as marketing of these drugs and we know the health care industry is in fact a business and out there to make money. but what can be said about -- does that play a role, in your opinion some way, that doctors feel some pressure to sell some of this stuff and some of these companies are really good at marketing these drugs? >> i think the pressure on the doc oftentimes is to make their patient feel better and sometimes it's making mom and dad feel better because we're doing something. sometimes the pressure comes from the school saying, johnny can't come back unless we medicate him or he's under treatment. there's pressure from all areas and sometimes from the medication companies and drug companies but at the end of the day it's up to mom and dad. you have the ultimate control. if you're feeling pressured or uncomfortable about that decision, get a second opinion. >> dr. charles sophy, good