cause. you ended up escaping. tell me how that worked. tell me how you got away. >> this is, as kristin mentioned, the rope part of the book. we were -- our captors felt so comfortable in terms of the pakistani military. there are pakistani military bases but the soldiers just don't come off them and challenge the taliban. so their first mistake, they moved us to a house that was only three-tenths of a mile from the pakistani base. i found a car tow rope in the house we were held hostage and we used that rope to lower ourselves down a wall. we walked to that base. at first, the guards on the base thought that we were potentially militants ourselves. they thought we were maybe suicide bombers. we spent 10, 15 minutes standing in a road with our hands up, after we took off our shirts and did other things, they let us on the base. this is a really important thing. there was a moderate young pakistani army captain that let me on that base. he let me call kristin and say we had escaped and he saved my life. there are moderates in that region. most people in afghanistan and pakistan don't support the taliban.