health and my youth at the time. is there a way to revamp that so you are not stuck with the decision? >> yes, with ease. no problem at all. you just say i have changed my mind. no problem at all. it happens. i have seen it happen where people change their mind. >> you know. >> the that is not an issue. >> that is reassuring. >> kathleen printed out a new york state advance directive. an easy form to fill out. takes a couple witnesses. forces patients to make the sorts of judgments the doctors have suggested they make. and i would, i know when i was in government as an attorney general and governor, one of the overarching health care pursuits of state government was to get people to fill this out an empowerment of patients. that's why it was so tragic when this issue became wrapped up, as the doctor said, the demagoguery of the health care debate which called it death panels nothing could be farther from the truth. doctors, tell me if you agree. an a wonderful thing that an effort will be made to promote patient thought about this very difficult issue. >> absolutely.