we will give you the latest on that coming up. back over to t.j. with more. >> appreciate you, thanks so much. turn now to our cnn congressional correspondent, dane bash. she is here for our political update and always the popular thing, it seems. somebody wants to be a maverick. >> it is. there's a new one in town. a lot of fascinating political story lines in this political year. lisa murkowski lost her primary bid to joe miller. she launched a write-in campaign. and it is first time anyone has done that. she is still a republican but is becoming the maverick of her party. since she hack back, she voted with democrats for the don't ask, don't tell repeal for the s.t.a.r.t. treaty and the dream act. now, murkowski's interview with john king last night, you can find at cnn.com/ticker, she talked about her independent streak and said look, i feel like i have a very strong message in her word from the