this year. it's a terrific ebt view if we say so ourselves. >> the states have a better idea of how to take care of their citizens, whether it's educating our children or infrastructure. not send it to washington, let them skim off operational purposes or whatever they do with it and then send it back to the states with a lot of strings attached all to off often, whether it's health care or, for instance, unemployment insurance. they had $550 million in '09 that they were going to send back to the state of texas but said, if you take it, though, you're going to have to change the program and we said no thank you. >> when a state sends money to a city with education, but we're going to obligate you to do certain things. you can't disagree with the notion whether it's your money or -- >> the fact of the matter is, newt gingrich said, if it's good for the gander it's good for the goose as well.