>> okay. so this is carol, dan. i was just wondering, the president's supposed to go to hawaii, but there's a no-fly zone going into effect over oahu. what does that mean? >> what it means is it's possible the president could leave some time today. i was talking with white house spokesman robert gibbs this morning. and he hopes they'll be able to leave today and hopes the president will be able to also hold a press conference. we heard that earlier in the week that that was something he wanted to do to talk about all he accomplished. we'll look forward to the next session, as well, where he'll be dealing with a different make-up in the house at least. so yes, the president will be signing don't ask, don't tell later this morning. then he hopes to hop on to air force one and go out to hawaii to join the rest of his family, which by the way, has been out there for the last few days or so. >> nice when you have your own little jet you can hop on -- >> you don't have to have that reservation, don't worry about