sisters. wendy walker, author and producer, lessons shared from 30 years in television. suzanne somers returns and kathy griffin. you remember your first time on the show? >> it was a long, long time ago. >> larry: 23 times you've been on. >> you were in washington, d.c. >> larry: your first time you said you were nervous. >> i was very nervous. absolutely. and i demanded the whole hour. >> but when i first went on -- >> i still do. get up girls. i know the necklace is $19.95. i get it somers. >> $39.95. >> i'll take it. i'll take four if i can just get there in time. sorry. go ahead. >> larry: you were in washington. >> you were in washington and you were cable and it wasn't at that time as prestigious to guest on cable shows. do you recall that moment in time? >> this isn't really going your