rejoining but the pentagon has already stated nobody gets automatically reinstated. you have to reenlist, if you will, demonstrate that you are still physically able to serve, that you meet the physical requirements, all of the requirements that everybody has to meet when they join the united states military, drew. >> barbara, thanks. stand by. brianna, still handing in the homework down there? >> reporter: yeah, they are still handing in their home work. we're waiting for the final votes on this. even though the clock has run out, it's still open at this point, drew, as we just wait for obviously there are senators who haven't -- here we go. >> wish to change their vote? hearing none, the chair will remind the galleries that expressions of approval or disapproval are not in order. on the question before us, the yeas are 65, the nays 31. the motion to concur in the house amendment to senate