a gunman opening fire before he got wounded by a security guard, turning the gun on himself. board members describing a simply surreal scene, as you see it for yourself. >> if you have could have seen that gentleman's eyes, this was going to happen. you saw him, this was going to happen. we could have had this place like ft. knox and he would have shot us. >> so who was that shooter? what was it about that guy? we're going to find out the new details tonight. and later, there soon could be new guidelines for who qualifies for weight loss surgery, actually lowering the fle threshold for who should get a lap-band. they're lowering the standards for what obese means, the company that stands to make a whole lot more money if more people qualify for the lap-band. they actually sponsored the study that suggested lowering this. so is that fair? we'll talk to dr. phil mcgraw and dr. sanjay gupta in what it means in the fight against obesity coming up. [ female announcer ] fact: the medicine in children's advilĀ® is the #1