have a lot of family and friends that love him very much, and are doing everything they can to support them. but the holidays are not easy. i -- i'm kind of new at this. i never really lost anybody before, let alone my youngest child. and i -- as i told you in the break, i never thought i'd say i dread christmas, but i do. >> yeah. i was telling you again during the break when i lost my brother and even my dad when i was a kid, it took me years to be able to celebrate christmas again, and even now it's -- i think for anyone who's lost somebody around the holidays it's a bittersweet time. but i've been thinking about you and gordon especially on thanks giving, i really was thinking about you guys and i'm glad you're on tonight, and we'll continue to follow this for justice to be done. keith jones, thank you. >> thank you, anderson. next coming up in crime and punishment, it was an unthinkable scenario, played out what should have been a typical school board meeting in florida,