his dad's been asked not to be there. he's under investigation with a pay to play with mississippi state. supposedly demanding some $200,000. >> $180,000. >> or some $200,000. yes. and it marred his big night. he was undisputably college's biggest player. >> yes, he was. and that's the rule. the most outstanding player in the nation. that was clearly cam newton, he deserved the award and got it. >> the question to me is whether people are sort of imputing the alleged sins of the father on the son. is that what's happening here? is this kid getting a bunch of bad publicity because his dad tried to pull a fast one? >> it's interesting, right? philosophically if a guy's a minor or very close to it -- if he's under 18, you'd think any kind of behavior on the part of his family with recruiters would have to be the responsibility of the parents. in this case, whether they're running interference and the father is taking the fall or