every day, hung out together. >> in 2005, this is where 18-year-old natalee holloway and more than 100 of her fellow graduates went for one last hoorah. >> our grade is really close and everyone hung out together the entire time. >> but on the morning of may 30th, the day the group was supposed to leave the island -- >> we immediately knew something was wrong because she was the first one to wake up. >> the students woke up to find natalee's packed bags, her passport and money all in her room, but no natalee. >> we went straight to the chaperones. >> with us tonight, natalee's mother, beth twitty, is with us, her stepdad, jud twitty -- >> natalee's parents shared their story with hln's nancy grace. >> we received a phone call that natalee had not showed at the