forceful bargain to rally the american people the our side, but the intention is to change this package but to get tax cuts for the middle-class and unemployment insurance extended and to get it done for the next two weeks. >> i don't know if you saw the analysis in the "washington post" by ezra kline who pointed out that of the $800 or $900 billion that this deal will cost in terms of the lower revenue for the treasury, most of it goes to the middle-class. i mean the republicans they did get $95 billion for the tax cuts for those making more than $250,000 a year and $30 billion for the estate tax cuts and that is $125 billion, but look at what the democrats got. they got $120 billion in payroll tax cuts, and $40 billion in refundable tax credits and $56 billion in unemployment insurance, and $30 billion to $180 billion in business tax incentives which is a total of $246 to $3969 billion and