avlon, the senior contributor also with daily beast.com. my conversation with bernie sanders he said a moral outrage. do you think, john, that the liberals are being too rough on the president? >> well, they're definitely spoiling for a fight. they feel betrayed to a certain extent by this president. at this moment they feel the poker playing he's done with the republicans hasn't been sufficient in terms of defending their interest. that said, i think the president at this point is acknowledging the results of this election. he's trying to lead from a point of let's see where we can come forward together to put forward a proposal so the vacht majority of american people don't see their taxes go up. there will be a fight. when he announced this that was already in the cards. whether it's enough to stop the whole compromise that's where the delicate dance and game goes today. this is all still unfolding in realtime up in washington. >> john avlon -- go ahead, jess.