programs. the entitlement programs. >> let's take medicare, far and away the biggest driver of the deficit. can you give us any cults that you're willing to make in medicare so you begin to make some progress in this $11 trillion, $12 trillion chasm? >> eliot, there are things you can do with medicare, with medicaid. both in partnership with the states. on the energy and commerce committee when i was in the majority we actually did a package that empowered the states to be able to save some money of significant amount. it was in the billions of dollars. by giving them some flexibility on how they operate. >> congressman, before we let you go, i just wanted to say one nice thing to you. i understand that one of the goals of the new house under john boehner is to have a more transparent operation. >> yes. >> and you've asked for recommendations from citizens who can go online and give -- >> yes. >> -- their idea, one of which, hope you'll stop your bipartisan bickering.