impossible, sometimes, to see where the networks are. >> and we should say, congresswoman johnson is up for re-election and we've invited her and continue to invite her to explain this latest name on the list and frankly, to find out if there are other names and we continue to invite congresswoman bishop running for re-election in georgia also been caught giving out scholarships inappropriately. who knows how many other there is are. the scholarship seems to have had no your sight whatsoever. we'll continue to scratch at this. thank you both for your time. still ahead, the penalty phase in connecticut's home invasion trial. what were the arguments for sparing the killer's life? and next, why did celine deon check into the hospital? details coming up. sweet! [ female announcer ] tastes like sugar and has 3 grams of fiber per tablespoon. use it almost anywhere you use sugar. even in cooking and baking. sweet! [ female announcer ] splenda® granulated with fiber.