person will pay about, you know, 14% of all of his or her income in taxes. >> right. >> federal taxes. that ignores the state's. and the people at the very, very top only pay 24%. so people in the middle are paying 14%, people in the top 24%, people one notch lower, about 7.5%. that's, you know, some progressivity but not a whole lot, right? >> where did you -- >> this is from the brookings institute. these are numbers from the irs and all the others. >> okay. eliot, did you bring your charts and graphs here today? i didn't think you did. can we talk about the movie and the politics? i know you -- >> i'm not an economist. there is plenty of people you can get on besides me to find out about. >> you can find a bah zillion people who agree. people who work hard don't want to hand over all their money to the government, who will then redistribute it to other people. >> but wait a minute. >> you're a capitalist, you degree with that, come on. >> i'm a capitalist. i'm not a foolish libertarian.